Monday, March 13, 2006

Roma: work in progress... part II

after days and nights on my notebook I'm proud to test the first alpha version of the Roma Framework. I've build a car-sharing application as demo (I was tired of ordinary blog or java-pet shop applications). The meaning is to discover what I've missed to build a real world application using the MDA Roma framework...

Below the short roadmap for the alpha release planned for this friday 17th March 2006:
  1. View aspect: Radio and check button support
  2. View aspect: First Page Flow support
And below the roadmap for the next beta version:
  1. Workflow aspect: first implementation using Enhydra Shark (
  2. Compile time wizards:
    1. Create Project Scaffolding
    2. Adding Persistence Aspect (JDO)
    3. Adding View Aspect (Echo2/Ajax)
    4. Generate CRUD Pattern against any complex entity
  3. Dynamic Run-Time Query Generator (something like Atlassian Jira filter)
Stay tuned, in the next days I'll publish the first one alpha release ;-)

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