Monday, May 08, 2006

Roma Framework: work in progress

after some weeks Roma Framework catched the attention of some people at the last JUG Roma (Java User Group) event.

The community is born. Here the numbers:
  • 4 active developers in SourceForge
  • More than 1.000 page viewed in a week
  • in the Mailing list more than 50 messages in few days
I'm working in a very big refactoring to support multiple aspect management in XML config files. The refactoring is done, but some bugs afflict the behaviour of applications developed with Roma. I hope to commit anythings today.

In these days the community talked about Indexing Aspect (Lucene/Compass framework), Maven 2 (instead of Ant), Designer IDE, JMS Monitoring Aspect, and more.

Stay tuned with Roma if you want to learn how to create Web Applications (and other) in some hours using the most modern technologies such as Ajax and JDO.

Roma Development Mailing List:

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