Friday, July 06, 2007

Eclipse 3.3 Europa sucks!

Three days ago I installed Eclipse 3.3, called also as "Europa". Today I'm back to use the previous one since it's much more stable and fast! Moreover the new Eclipse Update Manager works bad since it alerts me about new updates but I can't download and install its from the IDE cause unknown error!

Eclipse 3.3 Europa sucks (for now)!


Anonymous said...

I agree! Mine crashes randomly about every 1/2 hour!

Anonymous said...

Mine doesn't crash regularly, but it does often enough to be annoying. Seems to happen most often when editing JSPs.

My biggest complaint it that it is painfully slow. Even with the 4000$ machines we got in early 2007.

Aldrin M said...

Totally true. It freezes the rest of my applications, can't figure it out.

Anonymous said...

I moved to Netbeans 6 and haven't looked back.

Anonymous said...

Europa was golden, Ganymede is SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!