Monday, November 20, 2006

Roma Framework vs JBoss Seam

After the last JUG Roma event, I've translated the Feature matrix of the match "Roma Meta Framework vs JBoss Seam" in a PDF document available here.

This comparison shows the different approaches of these two frameworks:
  • Roma wins as features for the very fast development: Automatic GUI generation, Much more powerful CRUDs, Users module, etc.
  • JBoss Seam wins for integration of Remoting (EJB 3.0) and for its jBPM and Drolls modules integrated.
By this match I've catched some interesting features of JBoss Seam to implement in Roma Meta Framework. Stay tuned! ;-)

Ciao, LG


Stefane Fermigier said...

2 corrections (at least):

- Seam is LGPL, not GPL

- Here is a major application built on top of Seam, the Nuxeo 5 ECM platform (

Luca Garulli said...

Thank you, I've added your comments. Ever tried Roma before?