Friday, January 26, 2007

Waiting for Roma 1.0 apha

While Roma project staff is working to release the first alpha version of 1.0 many things are changed in SVN repository:
  • USERS module was splitted (refactored) in USERS + ADMIN following responsability rules
  • New Xml Desktop to render component in dynamic desktop described in XML form
  • New JPOX libraries that resolve some bugs
  • Much other
Following this link you'll find more details about integration with old projects based on Roma:

Waiting for Roma 1.0 alpha

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Next upcoming JUG Roma meeting

On the next Thursday 25th January 2007 there will be the ninth JUG meeting in Rome. For the first time the location will be my company: AssetData. To reach the meeting see the offical site:

On Tomorrow morning I'll leave Rome to follow a customer in Milan. If the air company will not make the usual delay I should came back on Thursday 4:30 PM to the Leonardo Da Vinci Airport. Just in time to reach AssetData before the starting of meeting!!! ;-)

Below the agenda, in italian:

Primo talk (non tecnico): 18.00-18.40

Titolo: JavaPolis: io c'ero! Cosa è successo e di cosa si è parlato
Relatori: Alessio Pace, Paolo Argangeli, Simone Federici

Jug Session 8.40-19.20

  • Brindisi per il primo compleanno del Jug Roma
  • restyling di (chi si offre? Come? raccolta idee e formazione di un gruppo di lavoro per il nuovo sito)
  • creazione di corsi java under 18 a cura dei membri del jug (idea fattibile? Come?)
  • proposte JugRoma 2007
  • acquisto di un VirtualServer per il Jug (valutazione)
Secondo talk(tecnico):19.20-20.20

Titolo: Antipatterns: se li conosci, li eviti!
Relatori: Simone Federici e Giorgio Vinci

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Roma Project

On past Friday I've changed the logo from "Roma Meta Framework" to "The Roma Project". The reason resides to avoid confusing people about Roma goals and mission. I'd like people speaks of "Roma" and not of "Roma Framework".

However the first release 1.0 alpha is very close to been published. The main change with 0.9.9 is the dynamic desktop management. You can define the desktop composition in a desktop.xml file. This feature allow to create very complex application without write any Echo2 code.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Microsoft Vista? No thanx, but...

Yesterday I've installed a tiny tool called Vista Inspirat. It changes the look & feel of your Microsoft Windows XP Operative System with the look of the latest Windows OS version. Cool!

The GUI is very nice and seems to me more usable. The general speed of the user interface seems faster, too. I don't know why, but the difference is sensible on my Notebook Acer Aspire 5670...

I never seen Vista before now, but with Vista Inspirat the layout results optimized and much more user friendly. I'm talking about all windows in general, the Explorer application and Internet Explorer. Also the new taskbar is very similar to the MacOs X.

Why I use MS Windows? Simply: because IMHO Windows is much more productive than Linux distributions I tested until now. Although I started using Linux since the Red Hat 5.x on my wonderful Amiga 1200 (with some expansions) 8-9 years ago, I find Windows XP the best OS for client/desktop tasks.

On the other hand I'll never try to install Microsoft Windows on a server machine. Unix/Linux OS on production Server wins to hand down.

My 0,02 €